Transition to Digital Communication

What's happening?

The Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) will cease operations in December 2025. every phone line in the UK will need to transit to a fully digital network utilizing Internet Protocol (IP) over a fiber-based service.

current network infrastructure is outdated and challenging to maintain. As a technology rooted in the 20th century, the PSTN no longer aligns with the demands of 21st-century communications. With the widespread adoption of mobile and internet-based communication, traditional phone usage is evolving, necessitating a shift toward digital solutions.

Before 2025, you'll need to transition from PSTN to the latest IP technology. To facilitate this transition, fibre to the premises or FTTP) across the UK. Traditional phone line sales in all exchange areas will cease by September 2023.

The PSTN stop sell entails the discontinuation of legacy voice or broadband services. This milestone signifies the UK's transition to more advanced and efficient communication technologies.

Commencing September 5, 2023, we will enter the stop sell phase. It's imperative to plan ahead and explore IP alternatives sooner rather than later.


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The ISDN & PSTN Switch Off